Simplified Retirement Planning

Every average Canadian will eventually retire; leave the workforce and live off the income that they have saved.  For most people, retirement will happen around the age of 65, and it usually comes with a significant drop in income.  According to a Statistics Canada report that looked at incomes in 2012, 12% of all seniors are Read more about Simplified Retirement Planning[…]

Canada’s 2016 Federal Budget

  In March 2016, Canada’s Federal Government released a new budget, which outlines the fiscal plan for the next year.  If you want to take a look, the budget document can be found here.  Included in the budget are several changes to taxes, tax credits, and benefits.  This article will summarize the changes most likely Read more about Canada’s 2016 Federal Budget[…]

Overview of Derivatives

  Derivatives are another major type of financial instrument.  We introduced two other major types in our earlier articles on fixed income and equities.  As the name implies, the value of a derivative is derived from something else, whether an index, interest rate, debt, or physical asset.  In terms of size, derivatives dwarf equities and Read more about Overview of Derivatives[…]

An Overview of Financial Planners and Financial Plans

CJ Capital offers financial planning and education services. The education portion of our business is primarily delivered through personalized one-on-one meetings with clients, research into topics directed by clients, or through media such as this blog. The financial planning portion of our business is the focus of this article and will be discussed in more Read more about An Overview of Financial Planners and Financial Plans[…]