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Our Services

We help you plan for your retirement and lower the fees on your investments.

Nearly two thirds (65%) of Canadians do not have a retirement financial plan in place. Without a retirement plan, it is impossible to know when you can retire and what your lifestyle will be like in retirement.

A retirement plan provides clarity and direction as to when you can retire. Instead of saving money without a purpose, a good retirement plan tells you how much you need to set aside, what types of investments you need to purchase, and when you can expect to retire.

However, even with a sound retirement plan, high investment and advisor fees can take away from your returns. While you can't control the markets, you can control how much of your returns are lost due to fees. As a result, all of our retirement plans include information on how to construct a low fee index fund investment portfolio.

Please review our services for further details.

  • Our primary service is the creation of a complete retirement financial plan. This plan incorporates your current savings, personalized budgets created for both pre- and post-retirement, detailed rate of return calculations, and educational information on how you can select the lowest fee funds that meet your needs. This service is offered on an ongoing monthly subscription basis. Active clients can have a financial plan created or refreshed every month, which ensures that you consistently have an up to date and personalized financial plan.

  • We are experienced building detailed and custom financial models that can help you make sense of any complex financial decisions you may be faced with. We can assist in modelling decisions such as: mortgages (fixed or variable), car purchases (cash, lease, finance), or even which credit card has the best rewards program! Please contact us via the form at the bottom of this page with a description of the problem that you would like to have analyzed and we will reply back to you with a cost estimate of our services based on an hourly fee rate.

  • If you are ready to create your retirement financial plan, please sign up for our service by selecting "Join" on the menu at the top of our website. Please contact us using the form at the bottom of our website if you have any questions, or would like to receive an estimate for a custom financial model.

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