
Privacy Policy

We believe in being up front about how we use your personal information. Below is our privacy policy, outlining what we ask and why.

Contact Information

Your PayPal login and payment details are sent only to PayPal. We receive information from PayPal that a payment was successfully processed (or not). We do not get any information about the bank account or credit card that was used for payment.

We ask for a name (first, last, display) in order to personalize your experience on our website and if we need to contact you. There is no requirement for any of these to be your real name. You are free to use an alias.

We ask for your real email address. Your initial password will be sent there. After this initial email, we will only contact you if there is an issue with your account or a major change to the platform. At no point do we sell/lease/rent or otherwise disclose your email address to anyone outside of Exponeta Financial Inc.

Financial Plan Input Sheet

After signing up, you have the option of having us build you a custom financial plan. We have designed the input sheet to only include information that is used in building the financial plan. The input sheet does not contain any sensitive or identifiable information, such as your address, employer, or SIN.

Your date of birth is used to calculate your life expectancy, as well as your eligibility and the amounts of government benefits that you may receive. Hence, to provide an accurate estimate, it is best if you provide the correct month and year.

Your current debt, income, and assets are used to build your financial plan. Many people are uneasy about sharing financial details, but there is no other way to build a comprehensive financial plan. As a result, it is best if any annual amounts and the current account balances are accurate to $1,000, and monthly income/expenses are accurate to $100.